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You can add AppKit to your project with Swift Package Manager. In order to do that:

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Go to File -> Add Packages
  3. Paste the repo GitHub url:
  4. Tap Add Package
  5. Choose the AppKit products that you want installed in your app.

Alternatively, add AppKit to a Package.swift manifest

To integrate via a Package.swift manifest instead of Xcode, you can add AppKit to the dependencies array of your package:

dependencies: [
name: "AppKit",
url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")

// Any other dependencies you have...

Then, in any target that depends on a AppKit product, add it to the dependencies array of that target:

name: "MyTargetName",
dependencies: [
// The product(s) you want (most likely AppKit).
.product(name: "AppKit", package: "AppKit"),


Test Apps

Want to see AppKit in action? Download our sample AppKit apps below and explore what it can do. Enjoy! 😊