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AppKit is now multichain. The architecture is designed to support both EVM and non-EVM blockchains. This will allow developers and projects to choose and configure multiple blockchain networks within their instance of AppKit, extending beyond just Ethereum-based (EVM) networks.

Currently, AppKit supports two non-EVM networks, they are, Solana and Bitcoin. Soon, AppKit will support Polkadot and Cosmos, allowing projects to tap into users from these different blockchain ecosystems. This will enable developers and projects to reach a broader audience and interact with multiple blockchain networks, all through a single wallet provider.


npm install @reown/appkit @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi @reown/appkit-adapter-solana 


The AppKit instance allows you to support multiple chains by importing the respective chains, creating the respective network adapters and passing these within the createAppKit() function.

Depending on the network adapter of your preference (Wagmi, Ethers, Ethers5), the integration may vary. Let's look at what the integration will look like.

import { createAppKit } from '@reown/appkit'
import { SolanaAdapter } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-solana'
import { WagmiAdapter } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi'

import { mainnet, arbitrum, sepolia, solana, solanaTestnet, solanaDevnet } from '@reown/appkit/networks'
import type { AppKitNetwork } from '@reown/appkit/types'

const networks: [AppKitNetwork, ...AppKitNetwork[]] = [mainnet, arbitrum, sepolia, solana, solanaTestnet, solanaDevnet]

// 0. Get projectId from
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'

// 1. Create the Wagmi adapter
export const wagmiAdapter = new WagmiAdapter({
ssr: true,

// 2. Create Solana adapter
const solanaWeb3JsAdapter = new SolanaAdapter()

// 3. Set up the metadata - Optional
const metadata = {
name: 'AppKit',
description: 'AppKit Example',
url: '', // origin must match your domain & subdomain
icons: ['']

// 4. Create the AppKit instance
const modal = createAppKit({
adapters: [wagmiAdapter, solanaWeb3JsAdapter],
features: {
analytics: true,