Install the WalletConnect NotifyClient package.
yarn add @walletconnect/notify-client @walletconnect/react-native-compat
You will need to polyfill crypto depending on your environment. See instructions below.
- Expo
- React Native CLI
yarn add expo-crypto
- Create a file called
at the root of your project - Go to
and paste the following snippet into it.
import { digest } from 'expo-crypto'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const webCrypto = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' ? crypto : new Crypto()
webCrypto.subtle = {
digest: (algo, data) => {
const buf = Buffer.from(data)
return digest(algo, buf)
;(() => {
if (typeof crypto === 'undefined') {
Object.defineProperty(window, 'crypto', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: () => webCrypto
- Then head over your
file at the root of your project and add the following imports.
import '@walletconnect/react-native-compat'
import './expo-crypto-shim.js'
yarn add react-native-quick-crypto react-native-quick-base64 stream-browserify @craftzdog/react-native-buffer babel-plugin-module-resolver
For iOS only
cd ios && pod install
- Go to your
file at the root of your project and add the following polyfill
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
import App from './App'
import { name as appName } from './app.json'
import crypto from 'react-native-quick-crypto'
const polyfillDigest = async (algorithm, data) => {
const algo = algorithm.replace('-', '').toLowerCase()
const hash = crypto.createHash(algo)
return hash.digest()
globalThis.crypto = crypto
globalThis.crypto.subtle = {
digest: polyfillDigest
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App)
- Update your
with the following configuration
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [
alias: {
'crypto': 'react-native-quick-crypto',
'stream': 'stream-browserify',
'buffer': '@craftzdog/react-native-buffer',
Next Steps
Now that you've installed WalletConnect Notify, you're ready to start integrating it. The next section will walk you through the process of setting up your project to use the Notify API.