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Get selected chain

You can get selected chain by calling the getSelectedChain() on the AppKit object.



val appKitModalDelegate = object : AppKit.ModalDelegate {
override fun onSessionApproved(approvedSession: Modal.Model.ApprovedSession) {
// Triggered when receives the session approval from wallet

override fun onSessionRejected(rejectedSession: Modal.Model.RejectedSession) {
// Triggered when receives the session rejection from wallet

override fun onSessionUpdate(updatedSession: Modal.Model.UpdatedSession) {
// Triggered when receives the session update from wallet

override fun onSessionExtend(session: Modal.Model.Session) {
// Triggered when receives the session extend from wallet

override fun onSessionEvent(sessionEvent: Modal.Model.SessionEvent) {
// Triggered when the peer emits events that match the list of events agreed upon session settlement

override fun onSessionDelete(deletedSession: Modal.Model.DeletedSession) {
// Triggered when receives the session delete from wallet

override fun onSessionRequestResponse(response: Modal.Model.SessionRequestResponse) {
// Triggered when receives the session request response from wallet

override fun onProposalExpired(proposal: Modal.Model.ExpiredProposal) {
// Triggered when a proposal becomes expired

override fun onRequestExpired(request: Modal.Model.ExpiredRequest) {
// Triggered when a request becomes expired

override fun onConnectionStateChange(state: Modal.Model.ConnectionState) {
//Triggered whenever the connection state is changed

override fun onError(error: Modal.Model.Error) {
// Triggered whenever there is an issue inside the SDK

You have set delegate on AppKit to start getting updates from Wallet.




onSuccess = {
/* callback that letting you know that you have successfully disconnected */
onError = { error ->
/* callback for error while trying to disconnection with a peer */


val requestParams = Modal.Params.Request(
method = /* Selected method */,
params = /* Method params */,

request = requestParams,
onSuccess = {
/* callback that letting you know that you have successful request */
onError = { error ->
/* callback for error */

Get Active Account

Returns the current active account connected via AppKit


Get Connection type

Return information about the type of our connection
