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Composables are functions that will help you control the modal, subscribe to wallet events and interact with them and smart contracts.


Composable function for controlling the modal.

import { useAppKit } from '@reown/appkit/vue'

export default function Component() {
const { open, close } = useAppKit()


  • open: Function to open the modal
  • close: Function to close the modal


You can also select the modal's view when calling the open function

open({ view: 'Account' })

// to connect and show multi wallets view
open({ view: 'Connect'})

// to connect and show only solana wallets
open({ view: 'Connect', namespace: 'solana' })

// to connect and show only bitcoin wallets
open({ view: 'Connect', namespace: 'bip122' })

// to connect and show only ethereum wallets
open({ view: 'Connect', namespace: 'eip155' })

List of views you can select

ConnectPrincipal view of the modal - default view when disconnected. A `namespace` can be selected to connect to a specific network (solana, bip122 or eip155)
AccountUser profile - default view when connected
AllWalletsShows the list of all available wallets
NetworksList of available networks - you can select and target a specific network before connecting
WhatIsANetwork"What is a network" onboarding view
WhatIsAWallet"What is a wallet" onboarding view
OnRampProvidersOn-Ramp main view
SwapSwap main view


Composable function for accessing account data and connection status.

import { useAppKitAccount } from "@reown/appkit/vue";

const accountData = useAppKitAccount()

Composable function for accessing account data and connection status for each namespace when working in a multi-chain environment.

import { useAppKitAccount } from "@reown/appkit/vue";

const eip155Account = useAppKitAccount({ namespace: 'eip155' }) // for EVM chains
const solanaAccount = useAppKitAccount({ namespace: 'solana' })
const bip122Account = useAppKitAccount({ namespace: 'bip122' }) // for bitcoin


  • accountData.value.address: The current account address
  • accountData.value.caipAddress: The current account address in CAIP format
  • accountData.value.isConnected: Boolean that indicates if the user is connected
  • accountData.value.status: The current connection status


Composable function for accessing network data and methods.

import { useAppKitNetwork } from "@reown/appkit/vue";

export default Component(){
const networkData = useAppKitNetwork()


  • networkData.caipNetwork: The current network object
  • networkData.caipNetworkId: The current network id in CAIP format
  • networkData.chainId: The current chain id
  • networkData.switchNetwork: Function to switch the network. Accepts a caipNetwork object as argument.

switchNetwork Usage

import { polygon } from '@reown/appkit/networks'



See how to import or create a networks here.


Composable function for getting the current value of the modal's state.

import { useAppKitState } from '@reown/appkit/vue'

const stateData = useAppKitState()


  • Boolean that indicates if the modal is open
  • stateData.selectedNetworkId: The current chain id selected by the user


Composable function for controlling the modal's theme.

import { useAppKitTheme } from '@reown/appkit/vue'
const themeAction = useAppKitTheme()
// or
// const { setThemeMode, setThemeVariables } = useAppKitTheme()


  • themeAction.themeMode: Get theme Mode.
  • themeAction.themeVariables: Get theme variables.
  • themeAction.setThemeMode: Set theme Mode. Accepts a string as parameter ('dark' | 'light')
  • themeAction.setThemeVariables: Set theme variables. Check the example usage.

Example Usage


'--w3m-color-mix': '#00BB7F',
'--w3m-color-mix-strength': 40


Composable function for subscribing to modal events.

import { useAppKitEvents } from '@reown/appkit/vue'

const events = useAppKitEvents()


  • events.timestamp: Get the timestamp of the event
  • Get string of the event.
  • get more information from the event.


Composable function for disconnecting the session.

import { useDisconnect } from '@reown/appkit/vue'

const { disconnect } = useDisconnect()

await disconnect()


Composable function for accessing wallet information.

import { useWalletInfo } from '@reown/appkit/vue'

export default Component(){
const { walletInfo } = useWalletInfo()

Ethereum/Solana Library

You can use Wagmi actions to sign messages, interact with smart contracts, and much more.


Action for accessing account data and connection status.

import { getAccount } from '@wagmi/core'

const account = getAccount()


Action for signing messages with connected account.

import { signMessage } from '@wagmi/core'

const signature = await signMessage({
message: 'gm wagmi frens'