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Link Mode

AppKit Link Mode is a low latency mechanism for transporting One-Click Auth requests and session requests over Universal Links, reducing the need for a WebSocket connection with the Relay. This significantly enhances the user experience when connecting native dApps to native wallets by reducing the latency associated with network connections, especially when the user has an unstable internet connection.

By enabling it, the wallet and dapp will communicate through declared Universal Links on iOS and/or App Links on Android even without an internet connection.

important note

For Link Mode to work fully, you also need to enable the One-Click Auth + Sign In With Ethereum feature.

This feature is compatible only with EVM blockchains, so if you decide to included non-EVM blockchains Link Mode mechanism is going to be disabled internally.

Check out SIWE basic example to try it out.

How to enable it:

  1. Add a Universal Link for your wallet in the Explorer tab of your Cloud project configuration, under the Mobile Linking section

  2. Configure your PairingMetadata's redirect: object with that Universal Link

  3. Set the linkMode property to true:

final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
linkMode: true,

Once everything is properly configured, and the user interacts with a Link Mode-supporting Wallet, your dApp will receive responses through it.

In Flutter, there are several plugins that can help you integrate Universal/App Links. However, regardless of which one you choose, it is crucial that, when capturing an incoming link, you pass it to AppKit so it can process the request.

void _onLinkCaptured(String link) async {
await _appKitModal.dispatchEnvelope(link);

Platform specifics:

  1. Ensure that you handle incoming Universal Links in the appropriate methods of AppDelegate or SceneDelegate.
  2. Ensure that you have enabled the Associated Domains Capability in your XCode project and that your Universal Link is properly configured. (Depending on the previous states of your Provisioning Profiles it may be necessary to update or create new ones)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Update/Create your domain's .well-known/apple-app-site-association file accordingly.

For more information on how to configure universal links for your app, refer to the Apple Documentation.
For a debugging guide, visit the Debugging Universal Links page.

You can check our Flutter's AppKit sample AppDelegate file as a reference.