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Sign In With Ethereum

AppKit provides a simple solution for integrating with "Sign In With Ethereum" (SIWE), a new form of authentication that enables users to control their digital identity with their Ethereum account. SIWE is a standard also known as EIP-4361.

One-Click Auth

One-Click Auth represents a key advancement within WalletConnect v2, streamlining the user authentication process in AppKit by enabling them to seamlessly connect with a wallet and sign a SIWE message with just one click.

Connecting a wallet, proving control of an address with an off-chain signature, authorizing specific actions. These are the kinds of authorizations that can be encoded as "ReCaps". ReCaps are permissions for a specific website or dapp that can be compactly encoded as a long string in the message you sign and translated by any wallet into a straight-forward one-sentence summary. WalletConnect uses permissions expressed as ReCaps to enable a One-Click Authentication.


For 1-CA + SIWE to function properly, a backend for communication is required. This backend will be used to generate a nonce, verify messages and handle sessions. More info here

important note

This feature is compatible only with EVM blockchains. Therefore, including non-EVM blockchains will result in the internal disabling of the 1-CA + SIWE mechanism.

If you are willing to give support just to EVM blockchains you should disabled Solana support from AppKit by calling ReownAppKitModalNetworks.removeSupportedNetworks('solana'); right before your ReownAppKitModal() definition.

Configure your SIWEConfig object

final _siweConfig = SIWEConfig(
getNonce: () async {
// The getNonce method functions as a safeguard
// against spoofing, akin to a CSRF token.

return await yourApi.getNonce();
getMessageParams: () async {
// Parameters to create the SIWE message internally.
// More info in

return SIWEMessageArgs(
domain: '',
uri: '',
statement: 'Please sign with your account',
methods: ['personal_sign', 'eth_sendTransaction'],
createMessage: (SIWECreateMessageArgs args) {
// Method for generating an EIP-4361-compatible message.
// You can use our provided formatMessage() method or implement your own

return SIWEUtils.formatMessage(args);
verifyMessage: (SIWEVerifyMessageArgs args) async {
// This function ensures the message is valid,
// has not been tampered with, and has been appropriately
// signed by the wallet address.

try {
final isValidMessage = await yourApi.verifyMessage(args.toJson());
return isValidMessage;
} catch (error) {
// error validating message
return false;
getSession: () async {
// Called after verifyMessage() succeeds
// The backend session should store the associated address and chainId
// and return it via the `getSession` method.

try {
final session = await yourApi.getSession();
return SIWESession(address: session.address, chains: [session.chainId]);
} catch (error) {
// error getting session
onSignIn: (SIWESession session) {
// Called after getSession() succeeds
signOut: () async {
// Called when wallet disconnects if `signOutOnDisconnect == true` and/or when
// `signOutOnAccountChange == true` and/or
// `signOutOnNetworkChange == true`
try {
final success = await yourApi.signOut();
return success;
} catch (error) {
// error signing out
return false;
onSignOut: () {
// Called after signOut() succeeds
// enabled: true, // OPTIONAL. Enables One-Click Auth + SIWE logic, if `false`, regular session proposal will be used. (default `true`)
// signOutOnDisconnect: true, // OPTIONAL (default `true`)
// signOutOnAccountChange: true, // OPTIONAL (default `true`)
// signOutOnNetworkChange: true, // OPTIONAL (default `true`)

Initialize ReownAppKitModal with your siweConfig

Add the siwe configuration in ReownAppKitModal initialization

final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
siweConfig: SIWEConfig(...),

SIWEConfig reference

class SIWEConfig {
final Future<String> Function() getNonce;
final Future<SIWEMessageArgs> Function() getMessageParams;
final String Function(SIWECreateMessageArgs args) createMessage;
final Future<bool> Function(SIWEVerifyMessageArgs args) verifyMessage;
final Future<SIWESession?> Function() getSession;
final Future<bool> Function() signOut;
// Callback when user signs in
final Function(SIWESession session)? onSignIn;
// Callback when user signs out
final VoidCallback? onSignOut;
// Defaults to true
final bool enabled;
// In milliseconds, defaults to 5 minutes
final int nonceRefetchIntervalMs;
// In milliseconds, defaults to 5 minutes
final int sessionRefetchIntervalMs;
// Defaults to true
final bool signOutOnDisconnect;
// Defaults to true
final bool signOutOnAccountChange;
// Defaults to true
final bool signOutOnNetworkChange;

required this.getNonce,
required this.getMessageParams,
required this.createMessage,
required this.verifyMessage,
required this.getSession,
required this.signOut,
this.enabled = true,
this.signOutOnDisconnect = true,
this.signOutOnAccountChange = true,
this.signOutOnNetworkChange = true,
this.nonceRefetchIntervalMs = 300000,
this.sessionRefetchIntervalMs = 300000,


Not configuring siweConfig object has the same effect as setting false on siweConfig.enable parameter.

Exported functions


Simple method to generate a timestamp-based nonce



Creates EIP-4361 message based on input arguments.



Verify a SIWE signature. Internally it calls your backend verification method.

await SIWEUtils.verifySignature(


Get the chain ID from the SIWE message.



Get the address from the SIWE message.


Basic usage example

This basic configuration is enough to try the feature out without a backend

final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
siweConfig: SIWEConfig(
getNonce: () async {
return SIWEUtils.generateNonce();
getMessageParams: () async {
return SIWEMessageArgs(
domain: Uri.parse(_appKitModal.appKit!.metadata.url).authority,
uri: _appKitModal.appKit!.metadata.url,
statement: '{Your custom message here}',
methods: MethodsConstants.allMethods,
createMessage: (SIWECreateMessageArgs args) {
return SIWEUtils.formatMessage(args);
verifyMessage: (SIWEVerifyMessageArgs args) async {
final chainId = SIWEUtils.getChainIdFromMessage(args.message);
final address = SIWEUtils.getAddressFromMessage(args.message);
final cacaoSignature = args.cacao != null
? args.cacao!.s
: CacaoSignature(
t: CacaoSignature.EIP191,
s: args.signature,
return await SIWEUtils.verifySignature(
getSession: () async {
final chainId = _appKitModal.selectedChain?.chainId ?? '1';
final namespace = ReownAppKitModalNetworks.getNamespaceForChainId(
final address = _appKitModal.session!.getAddress(namespace)!;
return SIWESession(address: address, chains: [chainId]);
signOut: () async {
return true;