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Import the package:

import 'package:reown_appkit/reown_appkit.dart';

Create your ReownAppKitModal() instance, which is your primary class for opening, closing, disconnecting, etc.

Be sure to update the project ID and metadata with your own.

Don't have a project ID?

Head over to Reown Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration


In order to initialize ReownAppKitModal() instance you must provide a projectId and a metadata.

// AppKit Modal instance
final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect( // OPTIONAL
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
linkMode: true|false,

// Register here the event callbacks on the service you'd like to use. See `Events` section.

await _appKitModal.init();

Alternatively, ReownAppKitModal() allows you to create an instance by passing a ReownAppKit() object as follows:

// AppKit instance
final appKit = ReownAppKit.createInstance(
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
linkMode: true|false,

// AppKit Modal instance
final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
appKit: appKit,

// Register here the event callbacks on the service you'd like to use. See `Events` section.

await _appKitModal.init();

The metadata object should contain your dApp's name, description, url and icon. Redirect object is optional but highly recommended. See next session why.

Redirect to your dApp

AppKit's metadata object contains a redirect option that should be used by the wallet to redirected back to your dapp after connection.

redirect: Redirect(
// your own custom scheme for deep linking
native: 'exampleapp://',
// your own universal link for deep linking, required if you are going to use Link Mode
universal: '',
// enable or disable relay-less communication, see `Link Mode` section
// won't be used if you decide to support/include non-EVM blockchains
linkMode: true|false,

But in order for the redirect mechanism to work you would also need to add the following in the iOS and Android native sides:

  1. Locate your Info.plist file under your_project/ios/Runner/ folder.
  2. Locate the <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> section.
  3. Add your schema as <dict> entry within the <array> object as follows.
<string>com.example.yourBundleId</string> <!-- Bundle ID of your app -->
<!-- your own custom scheme -->
<!-- Should be the same you set on Redirect.native on Flutter side -->
<!-- Be mind of removing :// for this step -->

Available Buttons

AppKitModalConnectButton to open modal and connect to a wallet or through social options

AppKitModalConnectButton(appKit: _appKitModal)

AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton to select an available network

AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton(appKit: _appKitModal)

AppKitModalAccountButton to open account screen once connected

AppKitModalAccountButton(appKitModal: _appKitModal)

AppKitModalAddressButton shows the address on the current selected network

AppKitModalAddressButton(appKitModal: _appKitModal)

AppKitModalBalanceButton shows wallet balance on the current selected network

AppKitModalBalanceButton(appKitModal: _appKitModal)

To connect to a wallet you can either use AppKitModalConnectButton or AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton.

AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton will allow the user to pre-select a Network before connecting while AppKitModalConnectButton will directly show available wallets and social options.

Once connected, AppKitModalConnectButton will serve as Disconnect button while AppKitModalAccountButton will show basic account data such as balance and address and will be used to open Account screen.

Quick example:

children: [
AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton(appKit: _appKitModal),
AppKitModalConnectButton(appKit: _appKitModal),
visible: _appKitModal.isConnected,
child: AppKitModalAccountButton(appKit: _appKitModal),

AppKitModalAccountButton is composed by AppKitModalBalanceButton and AppKitModalAddressButton and you can use these separately from AppKitModalAccountButton

AppKitModalBalanceButton(appKitModal: _appKitModal, onTap: _appKitModal.openModalView);

AppKitModalAddressButton(appKitModal: _appKitModal, onTap: _appKitModal.openModalView);

Custom Buttons

If you like you can also override AppKit's buttons by using the custom: property as follows

appKit: _appKitModal,
custom: MyCustomButton(
onPressed: () {
child: const Text('CONNECT WALLET'),

openModalView() method can accept a "startWidget" argument that you can leverage to open specifics screens of the modal:

// With no options will open default screen depending on the connection status

// Will open Network Selection screen independently of the connection status
// This option is not needed if you use AppKitModalNetworkSelectButton()

// Will open QR Code screen for connection.
// Will work only if not yet connected.

// Will open All Wallets screen for connection
// Will work only if not yet connected.