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With AppKit, you can easily let people interact with multiple EVM compatible wallets and blockchains.


Let's get started by installing the package!


  • Unity 2022.3 or above
  • IL2CPP code stripping level: Minimal (or lower)
  • Target platform: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, WebGL
  • Gamma color space


To install packages via OpenUPM, you need to have Node.js and openupm-cli installed. Once you have them installed, you can run the following commands:

openupm add com.reown.appkit.unity


The minimum configuration required is filling in a Project ID and Metadata fields inside of AppKitConfig.

Don't have a project ID?

Head over to Reown Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration
await AppKit.InitializeAsync(
new AppKitConfig(
projectId: "YOUR PROJECT ID",
new Metadata(
name: "My Game",
description: "Short description
url: "",
iconUrl: ""
  • projectId: The project ID is a unique identifier for your project.
    • If you don’t have a Project ID, you can create one at Reown Cloud.
  • name: The project name is a human-readable name for your project.
  • description: The project description is a human-readable description for your project.
  • url: The project URL
  • iconUrl: Icon of the project.


  1. Add Reown AppKit prefab from Packages/AppKit/Prefabs to your scene.
  2. Initialize AppKit from your script
public async void Start()
var config = new AppKitConfig(...);
await AppKit.InitializeAsync(config);
  1. Connect account
public async Task ResumeSession()
// Try to resume account connection from the last session
var resumed = await AppKit.ConnectorController.TryResumeSessionAsync();

if (resumed)
// Continue to the game
// Connect account
AppKit.AccountConnected += (_, e) => MyAccountConnectedHandler();

Examples and Test dApps

Getting Support 🙋

Reown is committed to delivering the best developer experience.

If you have any questions, feature requests, or bug reports, feel free to open an issue on GitHub!