Chain Abstraction
Chain Abstraction in WalletKit enables users with stablecoins on any network to spend them on-the-fly on a different network. Our Chain Abstraction solution provides a toolkit for wallet developers to integrate this complex functionality using WalletKit.
For example, when an app requests a 100 USDC payment on Base network but the user only has USDC on Arbitrum, WalletKit offers methods to detect this mismatch, generate necessary transactions, track the cross-chain transfer, and complete the original transaction after bridging finishes.
How It Works
Apps need to pass gas
as null, while sending a transaction to allow proper gas estimation by the wallet. Refer to this guide for more details.
When sending a transaction, you need to:
- Check if the required chain has enough funds to complete the transaction
- If not, use the
method to generate necessary bridging transactions - Sign routing and initial transaction hashes, prepared by the prepare method
- Use
method to broadcast routing and initial transactions and wait for it to be completed
The following sequence diagram illustrates the complete flow of a chain abstraction operation, from the initial dapp request to the final transaction confirmation
The following methods from WalletKit are used in implementing chain abstraction.
Chain abstraction is currently in an early access phase and requires the @ChainAbstractionExperimentalApi
This method is used to check if chain abstraction is needed. If it is, it will return a PrepareSuccess.Available
object with the necessary transactions and funding information.
If it is not, it will return a PrepareSuccess.NotRequired
object with the original transaction.
fun prepare(
initialTransaction: Wallet.Model.InitialTransaction,
onSuccess: (Wallet.Model.PrepareSuccess) -> Unit,
onError: (Wallet.Model.PrepareError) -> Unit
This method is used to execute the chain abstraction operation. It broadcasts the bridging and initial transactions and waits for them to be completed.
The method returns a ExecuteSuccess
object with the transaction hash and receipt.
fun execute(
prepareAvailable: Wallet.Model.PrepareSuccess.Available,
prepareSignedTxs: List<String>,
initSignedTx: String,
onSuccess: (Wallet.Model.ExecuteSuccess) -> Unit,
onError: (Wallet.Model.Error) -> Unit
When sending a transaction, first check if chain abstraction is needed using the prepare
method. If it is needed, you must sign all the fulfillment transactions and use the execute
If the operation is successful, use execute
method and await the transaction hash and receipt.
If the operation is unsuccessful, send the JsonRpcError to the dapp and display the error to the user.
val initialTransaction = Wallet.Model.Transaction(...)
onSuccess = { prepareSuccess ->
when (prepareSuccess) {
is Wallet.Model.PrepareSuccess.Available -> {
//Sign all the fulfilment transactions and init transaction
//Use execute method
//Call the execute
WalletKit.ChainAbstraction.execute(prepareSuccess, prepareSignedTxs, initSignedTx
onSuccess = {
//The execution of the Chain Abstraction is successfull
//Send the response to the Dapp
onError = {
//Execute error - wallet should send the JsonRpcError to a dapp for given request and display error to the user
is Wallet.Model.PrepareSuccess.NotRequired -> {
//Chain abstraction is not required, handle transaction as usual
onError = { prepareError ->
// One of the possible errors: NoRoutesAvailable, InsufficientFunds, InsufficientGasFunds - wallet should send the JsonRpcError to a dapp for given request and display error to the user
For example, check out implementation of chain abstraction in sample wallet with Kotlin.
To test Chain Abstraction, you can use the AppKit laboratory and try sending USDC/USDT with any chain abstraction supported wallet. You can also use this sample wallet for testing.
Following are the types that are used in the chain abstraction methods.
data class Transaction(
var from: String,
var to: String,
var value: String,
var gasLimit: String,
var input: String,
var nonce: String,
var chainId: String
data class InitialTransaction(
var from: String,
var to: String,
var value: String,
var input: String,
var chainId: String
data class FeeEstimatedTransaction(
var from: String,
var to: String,
var value: String,
var gasLimit: String,
var input: String,
var nonce: String,
var maxFeePerGas: String,
var maxPriorityFeePerGas: String,
var chainId: String
sealed class PrepareSuccess {
data class Available(
val orchestratorId: String,
val checkIn: Long,
val transactions: List<Transaction>,
val initialTransaction: Transaction,
val initialTransactionMetadata: InitialTransactionMetadata,
val funding: List<FundingMetadata>,
val transactionsDetails: TransactionsDetails
) : PrepareSuccess()
data class NotRequired(val initialTransaction: Transaction) : PrepareSuccess()
data class InitialTransactionMetadata(
var symbol: String,
var amount: String,
var decimals: Int,
var tokenContract: String,
var transferTo: String
data class FundingMetadata(
var chainId: String,
var tokenContract: String,
var symbol: String,
var amount: String,
var bridgingFee: String,
var decimals: Int
sealed class PrepareError : Model() {
data object NoRoutesAvailable : PrepareError()
data object InsufficientFunds : PrepareError()
data object InsufficientGasFunds : PrepareError()
data class Unknown(val message: String) : PrepareError()
data class TransactionsDetails(
var details: List<TransactionDetails>,
var initialDetails: TransactionDetails,
var bridgeFees: List<TransactionFee>,
var localBridgeTotal: Amount,
var localFulfilmentTotal: Amount,
var localTotal: Amount
data class TransactionDetails(
var transaction: FeeEstimatedTransaction,
var transactionFee: TransactionFee
data class TransactionFee(
var fee: Amount,
var localFee: Amount
data class Amount(
var symbol: String,
var amount: String,
var unit: String,
var formatted: String,
var formattedAlt: String
ProGuard rules
If you encounter issues with minification, add the below rules to your application:
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class com.sun.jna.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.sun.jna.** {
native <methods>;
-keep class uniffi.** { *; }
# Preserve all public and protected fields and methods
-keepclassmembers class ** {
public *;
protected *;
-dontwarn uniffi.**
-dontwarn com.sun.jna.**