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Upgrade from Web3Modal to Reown AppKit for Flutter

This document outlines the steps to migrate from the old web3modal_flutter package to the new reown_appkit packages in your Flutter project.

Step 1. Replace the corresponding dependency

Remove web3modal_flutter dependency from pubspec.yaml and add reown_appkit:

web3modal_flutter: ^X.Y.Z
reown_appkit: ^1.0.0

Run flutter clean && flutter pub get after replacing the packages

Then replace the imports...

import 'package:web3modal_flutter/web3modal_flutter.dart';
import 'package:reown_appkit/reown_appkit.dart';

Step 3. Update the main service class

W3MServiceReownAppKitModal`context` parameter is now required

See more about how to initialize on Initialization section

Step 4. Update main buttons

W3MNetworkSelectButtonAppKitModalNetworkSelectButton`service` parameter is now `appKit`
`context` parameter is not required anymore but still available
W3MConnectWalletButtonAppKitModalConnectButton`service` parameter is now `appKit`
`context` parameter is not required anymore but still available
W3MAccountButtonAppKitModalAccountButton`service` parameter is now `appKit`
`context` parameter is not required anymore but still available

Step 5. Networks presets

The way we used to manipulate the network presets has changed

W3MChainInfoReownAppKitModalNetworkInfo`chainName` parameter is now `name`
`tokenName` parameter is now `currency`
`blockExplorer` parameter is now `explorerUrl`
`namespace` parameter is not needed anymore
final testNetworks = ReownAppKitModalNetworks.test['eip155'] ?? [];
final extraNetworks = ReownAppKitModalNetworks.extra['eip155'] ?? [];
ReownAppKitModalNetworks.addNetworks('eip155', testNetworks);
ReownAppKitModalNetworks.addNetworks('eip155', extraNetworks);

See more on Custom networks section

Step 4. Update your Components usage

Update your web3app instance within the service:

If you use to subscribe to web3App events you should now change it to appKit. Example:


Same for anything related to _w3mService.web3App!...

Step 5. Update any exception type


Final notes

  • Ensure that you have updated all relevant configurations and imports in your project to reflect the changes from Web3Modal to AppKit.
  • Test your application thoroughly to ensure that the migration has been successful and that all functionality is working as expected.
  • Check our AppKit example for Flutter to compare with your implementation in case you are having issues