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Upgrade Guide

AppKit v5 to Reown AppKit Upgrade Guide

This guide will help you migrate from AppKit v5 to the latest Reown AppKit.


To upgrade from AppKit v5 to Reown AppKit start by removing AppKit v5 dependencies @web3modal/ethereum and @web3modal/react. Now you can install AppKit library and update Wagmi and Viem.

npm install @reown/appkit @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi @tanstack/react-query


You can start the AppKit configuration by using either the default or advanced mode.

Default mode will implement WalletConnect, Browser Wallets (injected) and Coinbase options in addition to Wagmi's public clients and WalletConnect's provider.


Make sure to set your configuration outside React components to avoid unwanted rerenders.

Start by importing createAppKit from @reown/appkit and the necessary chains from @reown/appkit/networks

import { createWeb3Modal } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react'
import { defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react/config'
import { WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi'
import { arbitrum, mainnet } from 'viem/chains'

import { createAppKit } from '@reown/appkit'
import { arbitrum, mainnet } from '@reown/appkit/networks'
import { WagmiAdapter } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi'

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'

Then create wagmiAdapter using WagmiAdapter function as shown below

const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
const queryClient = new QueryClient()

const metadata = { //optional
name: 'AppKit',
description: 'AppKit Example',
url: '',
icons: ['']

/* Remove the existing Wagmi Config */
+ const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({ chains, projectId, metadata })

/* Create the Wagmi adapter */
const wagmiAdapter = new WagmiAdapter({
networks: [mainnet, arbitrum],

Finally, pass wagmiAdapter (optional) and other parameters to createAppKit

/* Call createWeb3Modal function */
- createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains })

const modal = createAppKit({
adapters: [wagmiAdapter],
networks: [mainnet, arbitrum],
metadata: metadata,
features: {
analytics: true,

export default function App() {
return (
- <WagmiConfig config={wagmiConfig}>
+ <WagmiConfig config={wagmiAdapter.wagmiConfig}>

<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<HomePage />

Trigger the modal

import { useWeb3Modal } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react'
import { useAppKit } from '@reown/appkit/react'

function HomePage() {
const { open } = useAppKit()

return <button onClick={open}>Connect</button>

Learn more about AppKit v6 here


As you may have noticed, some of the properties of Web3Modal have changed as a consequence of the migration to Reown AppKit.


The adapters property is a new property that is an array of adapters that can be initialized.


The chains property is now networks in Reown AppKit v6. You should import them from @reown/appkit/networks package instead of importing these networks from viem or other packages.


The defaultChain property is now defaultNetwork in Reown AppKit v6. This is a network object that specifies the default network for your Web3 app.

Utility Functions

The following methods are still available with the same nomenclature as before:


This returns the connected address.


It returns the active namespace's address.

Example: You’ve initialized both the Wagmi and Solana adapters and connected to a dApp with an EVM-only wallet (e.g., Rainbow). In this case, the Solana adapter is still not connected. When your active network is one of the EVM chains, the address will return your wallet address. However, if you manually switch to the Solana network, the address will return undefined (unless you connect to a Solana wallet).


This returns the error values.


Returns the active network's chainId


In versions prior to v5, which were single-chain, getChainId() returned a single type rather than multiple types:

  • @web3modal/wagmi (along with ethers and ethers5) returned number | undefined.
  • @web3modal/solana returned string | undefined.

Now, in v6, since both chains can be connected simultaneously, the type definition is number | string | undefined.


This switches the active network to the different network being passed.


Unlike in v5, modal.switchNetwork takes the chain object as parameter rather than the chain id.

  • (v5) - switchNetwork(137) -> switches the chain to Polygon as we are passing Polygon's chain id.
  • (v6) - switchNetwork(polygon) -> polygon is imported from @reown/appkit/networks.
import { polygon } from '@reown/appkit/networks'


This returns if the selected network adapter is connected or not.


It returns the active namespace's connection status as a boolean.

Example: You've initialized both the Wagmi and Solana adapters and connected to the dApp with an EVM-only wallet (e.g., Rainbow). In this case, the Solana adapter is still not connected. When you manually switch to the Solana network from the network selection list, you will see a disconnected state because the Solana adapter cannot use Rainbow's connection. As a result, it will prompt you to connect with a Solana wallet.


This returns the active connection provider.


This returns the active connection provider type.


This is a listener that detects changes to the AppKit state, such as address, chainId, isConnected, provider, and providerType.

  • address - It returns the connected wallet address. The value returned is the same as modal.getAddress()
  • chainId - It returns the active network’s chainId . The value returned is the same as modal.getChainId()
  • isConnected - It returns if the selected network adapter is connected. The value returned is the same as modal.getIsConnected()
  • provider - It returns the active connection provider. The value returned is the same as modal.getWalletProvider()
  • providerType - It returns the active connection provider type. The value returned is the same as modal.getWalletProviderType()

The following methods and listeners are exactly the same and do not have any specific details related to the multiple chains feature.

  • modal.getState - it returns the modal state
    • open - it returns boolean that indicates if the modal is open or not
    • selectedNetworkId - it returns active network’s id
  • modal.subscribeState
  • modal.setThemeMode
  • modal.getThemeMode
  • modal.setThemeVariables
  • modal.getThemeVariables
  • modal.subscribeTheme
  • modal.getEvent
  • modal.subscribeEvents